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RE: The End To The Car Dealership

in LeoFinancelast year

I think it all comes down to service centers. EVs obviously require a lot less servicing because of the dramatic reduction in moving parts... but they do need some attention. I love the idea of Tesla's mobile repair centers, so if companies like Volvo can replicate that service, with their large dealerships also being great service centers I think they'll make a difference. The dealership model sucks, the fact that a car is a different price at different dealerships is awful... but you can drive a car at a dealership, which for such a large purchase, is pretty important.


I am not sure mobile service is the ideal solution. But we have the prospect that dealerships end up acting as service centers.

It is going to be interesting to watch as Tesla and other scale up production and sell direct.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Right, but if a company like Volvo can have both Mobile Service (which is so convenient for customers) and use their dealerships as service centers as well (which are already plentiful and placed in high traffic areas) then I think they'll be able to beat out Tesla's current service situation.