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RE: Metaverse: The Replacement For The Nation-State

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Great article. Opting out is something that was not really possible 20 years ago. Unless of course you wanted to live in the woods. However, blockchain and technology is going to give the legacy system a run for it’s money. I see a time where people will seek better alternatives outside the current money construct. We aren’t there just yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is certainly true. We are seeing more avenues cropping up. We were walled in 20 years than we are to a much greater degree today. Add another 20 years to the mix, and we will see things spreading. Push this out to the end of the century and we see a massive amounts of change.

One of the most effective changes is the monetary system. Once we get that switched over, we will see a lot more shift.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta