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RE: More For Less

in LeoFinance9 months ago

I recall in the Army Years ago, we were at a Shooting Range , far from camp, in the veldt, I suddenly felt twinges, as did another fellow! We walked/ran away , dropped our overalls, and proceeded to explode! No toilet paper of course, he said, " I just got a letter from my Girlfriend, let me read it quickly, and I will share it with you!". This happened to virtually everyone , that day , and one Guy did not drop his overall far enough?, end result , no volunteers to go back to camp in the same truck as him!


I have done the overall mistake also at the shooting range and buried the evidence lol. Luckily I had 2 spares and ran back to my camp spot naked under the moonlight. It is actually very easy to do when you are in a rush.

Hmmm , Running Naked in the Moonlight?, Wonder ,if you had been seen?, a Vampire or a Werewolf?