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RE: Half a Unicorn, No Bunny

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Let’s speculate on earnings, as I have no insider information. I am assuming at current prices Splinterlands Company (SLCO from now on) earnings is $1M/month including brand value (that’s my slop). So in the current quarter it will earn $4M. Companies like this typically grows 10X in the early stages. So the forward quarter next year it will earn $40M. It is hard to keep this kind of growth. So I assumed growth to be flat next 3 quarters. So SLCO will earn $40M times 4 = $160M in the year 2022-23. It is common to value companies at 17 to 20 times forward earnings (I used Activision). At 20 times forward earnings SLCO can be valued at $3.2B.

Just for fun and giggles :)


It would be pretty amazing of course for it to get there, but I wonder what the entire ecosystem would be worth, if that is the company.

What was interesting is while looking at varjoa numbers I haven't lookked at before, the number one collection power holder's deck (@smalp), is worth 2 million or so less than number 2, (@michealb) - another interesting dynamic.

So many things....

smalp. Bought a tree from that account the other day.


Got tired of renting for the Alpha GF Tournaments :)

I have never seen that before! :D

Alternate skin for Earth Elemental.


ah - okay.

Thank you Obi-wan.
