30% is simply outrageous - Apple and Google needs to be cancelled

in LeoFinancelast year


Big tech has always been known to feed on people's labour with simply neck choking terms of services. The thing with Web2 infrastructures is that we are vulnerable to the decisions of these companies, at best, we either play by their rules or get absolutely nothing in the long run.

This is their business model and they've been quite successful at it. Imagine the fears of censorship in an open internet, this is how businesses fear not being discovered if they get on googles' naughty list, here's where we know we need alternatives to Google as a search engine, that and Apple needs to be replaced as a influencive tech company.

Advertising and monetization

Yesterday we talked about How Blockchain based products like NFTs open up opportunities to monetize content without big tech taking a huge cut on us, and now we can elaborate more on why this transition is so important for businesses, both young and old.

Looking at website owners looking to monetize their platforms after extended periods of building, we see how advertising companies take a huge cut on these values even if we do the most work. With Google this is about 28% - 30% and most of the time their algorithms might work against you and the majority of your traffic will not be monetized.

This is why we are seeing a great wave of solo advertising emerging from established platforms, and frankly, these approaches bring extremely more value to brands as they are able to integrate advertisements without sacrificing user experience as most websites using third party network ads almost always get their site populated with annoying ads.

Things are changing and brands are earning more for their sweats and this is how it should be.

30% charge on in-app purchases is just devilish

For those saying it's a fair cut to take from people, I hope we do realise that this is like paying for a transaction cost with 30% of the amount being moved!

30% on 1 million is 300k, that doesn't seem too much? Huh? And to think we still end up paying taxes on the 700k leftovers, this is play innit?

Apple blocks Coinbase wallet for allowing NFT sales

This non-business friendly charges made by Apple and Google play store was first brought to light by Elon Musk speaking publicly via Twitter on the case of Apple taking a 30% on all its in-App purchases.

While some people see it as a fair share, I can't possibly see how 30% isn't blood sucking and now the inability to tax NFT sales is getting Coinbase wallets blocked. Big tech has constantly drained the business field with these locked in service charges and it's not as if they host these contents or platforms.

The move from Web2 to Web3 will save businesses a huge deal as they seize to be leveraged for a profit. The future of business building and value creation will benefit hugely from the flexibility of blockchain tools and products, as much as 10% is also a choking sum not to talk more of 30%, that's just outrightly outrageous and they need to be stopped!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Did Apple ever mention the reasoning for the charge? I wonder if they're trying to compensate for other losses. I don't see a reason for such a hike, but I'm glad I read your article.

Posted using Proof of Brain

Did Apple ever mention the reasoning for the charge?

It rather seems like its been a default charge for a long time, not a recent raise or something of sort.