Exit of value in blockchain games, so much needs to change to save them

in LeoFinance7 months ago

You think that DeFi protocol founder is a greedy bastard? Surely you've not met a blockchain game developer.

How many NFTs have you received so far? How many new tokens have you bought so far? How much are you actually making in a year? Are you bad at math? Are you that rich you're not seeing through the smoke?

Here comes my usual defense statement:

I love blockchain games, I love the idea of making leisure rewarding, I believe it holds great potentials but I'm sorry these developers are milking the shit out of you!

Maybe not all blockchain games are struggling but I can't quite recall the last time I actually heard anyone talk about blockchain games, it almost seems like they don't exist anymore, oh wait, I do see a couple of news and it's mostly bearish coverage on the crumbling game economies.

What's important to understand here is that most of these games started off with similar goals in mind "to incentivize players" but that soon turned to "make money off players".

You see, this is why popular games are yet to touch this shit, its a fuckin hot iron, and they won't touch it because they themselves are just after the money so they'd rather invest in making a good game and earning a hell lotta cash when players make nothing than try to incentivize and get caught trying to maximise exploits, nah, creating a balance here is quit tricky, this is why these games are struggling.

How do you drive value to a game?

Surely not via creating 15 new tokens or shit NFTs that need to be bought to unlock shits that won't even be relevant.

Above everything, a game needs to be entertaining, I've personally paid for shits in games that are not "play to earn" or as are media folks call it "pay to earn" and this is because I fuckin loved what I was dealing with, this is supposed to be fun.

Do you know the game Candy Crush?

No, this isn't the game I paid shit money to, scratch that thought, but I can bet my butt cheek a ton of people spend money on this game daily just to get to the next level that always keeps getting better and better.

Last time I had that game on my phone I was in like level 700(or something) and trust me, I wasn't the one playing it but people around.

Blockchain games lack that substance so gamers will generally lose interest but since they are dealing with crypto lovers, developers result into luring them with what the ecosystem loves best.

Speculative token releases, airdrops, NFTs and so on.

It keeps going on and on, the second the next token pops up, the old ones start a journey in the opposite direction, leaving so soon? You just got here tho, no?

So much needs to change!

The very first thing that needs to change is the urge of creating new tokens, fuck, it's simply like creating a 10-45x inflation rate of the previous, the rate at which the last dies off is quite frankly much faster than it would have normally.

Focusing on one token is quite essential when dealing with a network with primary focus on building a sustainably incentivized ecosystem.

Having done this, I believe strategic partnership with production brands would create room for extra revenue generation that could flow back into the game's economy because most blockchain games rely on getting more players daily to experience growth and that is something that will not happen, always.

On second thoughts, strategic partnership can bring new players but the idea of this is that, game environments are quite a suitable premise for exposing certain brand works in a non-intrusive way.

Imagine a car race blockchain game forming partnerships with luxury sport car brands, strategically promoting these brands through these games but surely that seems like a high bar but there's always something in-between to leverage.

The fact remains that anything built within crypto that cannot find a way to generate revenue outside its bubble(or tap from the outside and attract) will crumble because it simply keeps draining from within and all that value goes to a select few.

Buzz after buzz, the pie gets smaller.

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