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RE: My experience with BitClout after 24 hours

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I was looking forward to purchase you when it was cheap but couldn't do it because founder rewards were 100%.

You are lucky to purchase your coin pretty cheap. I was able to purchase only 2 of my own coins.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I was looking forward to purchase you when it was cheap but couldn't do it because founder rewards were 100%.

I kept it that way until I knew I was done buying my coin. I wanted to make sure I got the cheapest ones before I opened it up.

You are lucky to purchase your coin pretty cheap. I was able to purchase only 2 of my own coins.

Everyone has the same cost, it's a predictable curve based exclusively on how many coins are in circulation. The first 10 are roughly $100. It then starts to skyrocket. At 20 tokens in circulation, the price is $130 a coin.

This isn't 100% accurate, but will give you a gist of how the creator coin is priced. I was trying to find an example, but this is all I could find and I was too lazy to make my own.

Ah nice now I get the logic. I just bought only 1 coin and after that set it to 10% and many people already bought mine and the price pumped. Then set it to 20% now so that I can slowly buy my coin a little bit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The higher you set FR (anything over 10% basically) the fewer people will invest in your coin. You can set it below 10% to try to grow quickly, but above will slow you down. But you may want that if you want the price relatively to buy your own coin.

I don't have a lot of experience as I am new too, but since the ship sailed on cheap coins, I'd set it to 10% and invest in others early to make up for it. I ended up buying 10 coins, as that is what I how much I had on the account at the time, and decided I'm ok with that for now and will try to buy into others coins.

I did figure out the founder rewards are paid out in $Clout and not your own token, so at first I was trying to figure out where they were.