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RE: Wall Street Bets Pumps Doge Coin

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is something new to me. Only today I came to know about wallstreetbets. I saw a discord server overwhelming with new users and that is when I came to know about all these things.


It is a clear thing that Doge pump is not an organic one. They are continuously pumping it and no wonder if this continues it will easily surpass Hive price soon and might as well reach 50 cents.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You are totally right about DOGE's possibility to beat Hive's price. I would be sad to see this, but it really may happen.
When I look at the number of people in the WSB discord and subreddit, I just keep thinking what it would do for Leo and Hive if we could just get 1% of those people to join here. They need a decentralized platform and I'm sure they wouldn't mind getting rewarded for using it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta