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RE: Shower thought: Why are people buying PAL?

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

I love classic furniture, old cars and this coin lol.
I feel good with 76 thousands of coins from an air drop) There were 83,000, but the guys very stupidly announced the rules for going to the Beehive, and I lost 15,000 coins, but, I don’t regret, I bought them for a penny and, already got it back them. About half of the Leo, I have on a daily basis and rely on the price of PAL 0.7 Hive at least. I think I am not alone in this.
For me, this investment is more profitable than an investment, say, in a BRO, or in a similar enterprise. But, everything is optional, I had time)


Thanks for sharing your perspective!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Look at you being all fancy