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RE: Do views matter ?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Lol, it makes me laugh when they say that views affect something, tomorrow my twitter will already have 50K views in 28 days, but this did not affect my posts in any way. I tend to think that wasting time on twitter is a waste of time, or rather, theft of my time, which I can devote to the Hive. Sad but true.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well, our own peakd analytics do say that there are some good visits, the point is that, is view considered as engagement ? People say comments are forms of engagements, but then there are barely few meaningful comments.

The fact is that tweets do not work one day, they are shared by other people, I see retweets, and engagement occurs, although it is difficult to control and predict. It should be noted that people receive information, sometimes it takes time before they decide on something.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta