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RE: Do you need a rehab?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I do not think it is a crypto addiction. I think what people want to avoid is that it is a money addiction. Gambling is a money addiction, day traders are a money addiction. Why do people want to make everything that has to do with making money an addiction to the activity such as over working becoming a work-aholic?

Also what does SMMA stand for?


First, I don't suggest that anyone here suffers from a crypto addiction. It's just a subject that I came across on the internet that sparked my interest. Because there is a real treatment for. That's all.

Second, I'm not making an addiction out of it. To me it's the same as a day job.

SMMA stands for Social Media Marketing Agency.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope my response did not come off as accusatory. I just find it funny how all of these addictions are all related to people just wanting to make an extra dollar. Either by hard work, or risk taking. Addictions run a long way, and yes there are some that do not do well with things that hit the pleasure centers of the mind.

I often wonder where are all the stories of the non-pleasure addictions. Is it even possible to have an addiction to things we do not like?