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RE: Seeding future LEO holders

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Like you said LEO is pretty much a niche community, but one of the largest niches on HIVE as it seems a lot of people are interested in learning about crypto in general. For content on LEO I really only have my monthly reports for self tracking that fit the community, but I still want to participate in earning LEO as I also think it is going to go up in value.

As I mentioned in a previous comment I think the LBI token is a method to invest in the potential future growth. In about 3 months, dividends will be starting and I will have a better idea of how Index funds work on Hive-engine. I am hoping the price growth will continue with LEO, the dividends as I understand it will be in LEO-Tokens so I will be earning LEO on a semi regular basis if things work out the way I think they will.

Like all things crypto, it's all a crap shoot I guess, but still a learning experience.


I am going to have to start trailing my comments with my baby account, to add some LEO on comments too. I think it is valuable to be able to reward comments and I write a lot for leo too.

I don't know anything about LBI, I should look into it. The last almost year has been a challenge and I have cut back on my learning - which is costly in crypto :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With LBI you buy it with LEO, it gets locked up and then invested back in LEO and a few other things I think, We all, (the holders of LBI), voted to extend the no dividend account building phase to 3 months, the account will grow a little bit more and the hopes of everyone is that the dividends will be higher, which will be paid out in LEO. I worked over the last month to get to 100 LBI to try and test the investment out @lbi-token is the semi main page that talks about it, it has only been out for one month now.