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RE: Screw the bears

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The fear of it all falling apart and going down the toilet. I do not see how people keep it all organized. I have a hard enough time with learning about Hive still and that 3 years was with a split. I am able to sort of keep up with my ionomy account, and I still have not fully figured out how to see my cub token amounts or to figure out the dens or defi, maybe in a year I'll know what I am doing when it comes to the new Led CUB token, if not it will go the way of whaleshares, weku, pocketnet, and half a dozen I can't remember tribe pages and lets not forget blurt, and I am sure I have already completely forgot about other things, I never did see much from byteball, or half a dzen other things, only so much time in the day and behind the screen.

"what if it all goes down?"

A lot of those for me are all down and gone and done.


I have a hard enough time with learning about Hive still and that 3 years was with a split.

I think this is why it is also good to be careful what advice gets listened to. A lot of people likely don't do as much research into something as they say they do.

I have a handful of zeroes on my previous buys, but I have stayed away from nearly all the forks of Steem, I just don't have the time and I think cross-posting is not beneficial to anyone but the person posting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta