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RE: Stuck in the middle Web 2.0

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Can you imagine a marketing team meeting like this?

CMA, (Chief Marketing Advisor): Sir we have a slight problem with the new item we have been test marketing.
CFO: Whats the problem?
CMA: All the stock sold out.
CFO: That is great, so who bought it?
CMA: That is the problem sir, we don't know.
CFO: What do you mean we don't know?
CMA: They all used crypto to buy it, so we have no stats on age, race, sex, all those little things we use to build our market. We just do not know if the trend will carry over to Tulsa Oklahoma the same as it was in Miami Florida.

No trend data, just a phone used to exchange crypto for a product, no personal data passed up the line to create the next new best wave item.


No trend data, just a phone used to exchange crypto for a product, no personal data passed up the line to create the next new best wave item.

Yeah! let's hack the current status quo mindset!! ¡No do$h, no data!

And at Google:

"We used to make billions from the data we collected - now it is all available for free."

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep it is. If a company wanted to know what I liked it is not hard for them to figure out what and where I spend money.