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RE: Luxury can wait

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The crypto markets are depressing to watch at the moment

Not for me. I like the slight current down trend. I was not around crypto in the beginning, Steem was my beginning in crypto. At the beginning of this month I want to take some of the slow drips I get from investment tokens and get one EOS, (Done!), and one Doge, (Done!), and now I am working on getting one Eth.

The drips from the tokens that earn get sold, my POB earnings get sold, (all on hive engine), then I take a guesstimate at what would be 25% and send it to myself via either H-E or Leo-dex, (sometimes the .5% transfer fee difference matters sometimes it doesn't to me), then I send it to Ionomy. I could let it sit there in Hive and HBD, but the whole purpose right now is to buy int some Eth. So the hive gets sold and the Eth gets bought. (I am at 0.022 Eth). By the end of the year I hope to be at 0.5 ETH, will it happen? I don't know. I know it will not happen if I do not make the effort to make it happen.


Less depressing in price, more depressing in why people are selling.

It is worth getting some out and into some other tokens and Eth is looking like a buy at the moment. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I am trying to take a little bit of my rewards and branch out and away from Hive and H-E tokens with it, I thought Eth was sitting at a semi stable cheap price.