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RE: Tokens pump but no good news for packs

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Depends on if we actually do something as a community not the DAO or Company or forcefully take things but get the entire community to ban together and act independent in order to agree to stop using there services, do not participate in there group buys or let them participate in yours, goto the head of ygg with a document outlining only the facts of what happened and attach a copy of there rules showing that GENE the leader or high up in YGGSPL violated everyone and also personally attacked at least one person me who he likely saw as a threat bc I would not let it go and i shouldnt and nether should anyone until the DAO or the members are made whole and not just for the nominal orignal assets but the indirect loss of millions in market cap in assets in GLX as well as spl and future sales of GLG packs and even spl and td packs bc everything was impacted bc the risk was increased alot in glg which naturally made investors adjust risk tolerance in other positions to. I will be putting together a complete analysis not just of that but of all of Gene and the groups activities including any alt accounts i can figure out creating a nice picture of activities from steem to now an high light anything shady to publish weekly in a new community outpost called something interesting with a DAO for members to vote on situations that involve scams or exploits and what the community can and wants to do separate from the game. Some things could be a period of time where every post is zeroed out including anyone in there immediate circle which will be effective since it turns all there immediate circle against them. Pay there employees a one time payment or a period of min votes in exchanges for just quitting and also giving us information that is not public but would be helpful in the investigation. Once the investigation is over they will be asked to get on a chat and all info will be provided and there will be the members of the DAO who cast there votes on each act to say whether they deserve to pay restitution or the community DAO agrees to do something or not do something that would take away any advantage all of this separate from the game and game DAOs. The DAO will come up with various things it can do or influence and then once they are either determined to deserve it or not the various options will be voted on and once voted there are no appeals the action will be carried out by the DAO using all funding available to regulate exploits not just in the games but in HIVE as there are plenty of shady things i know that happen and if we get enough power i would love to be able to approach them and disagree and not have what ever account i am using put to negative just bc i dont agree. If they tried that with a collective account we could crush the person and then say 20 more ppl until they get the message there days of abuse and looting hive are over.


I disagree, you’re taking this a bit too far.

It’s a free market, a small one and therefore vulnerable, but a free market. Nothing illegal here, because laws don’t apply yet to this market.

His response afterwards was really respectable, so I will certainly make use of splex when that would become available for genesis league