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RE: Breaking the Cycle

in LeoFinance3 years ago

"waiting is the hardest part.." so true. Some people wait their entire lives for that which never comes. I hope that is not the case with our crypto investments.

My wife are in the same boat. She works for the school system and I work in the private sector. We have been very fortunate and blessed, but also did not end up having children (out of our control and not because we didn't want them). Not saving for education, medical, weddings, cars, yada yada.. we are able to do a lot more than most living on the same salaries.

I think we would really get along well Bozz. You and I have a lot of the same thoughts and do the same sort of things. I too hate the feeling of owing the big man. Heck with that.. If I can't afford it, I don't buy it.


I definitely have a lot of stuff on my want list, but I am generally pretty frugal about actually spending money. I have the want versus need debate pretty solidified in my mind. My hope is that crypto can get us to the point where the large expenses don't make me sweat so much. I think we would get along quite well too. Though I am probably not as talkative in real life as I am no here!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think with a couple of whiskey's we would be talking non-stop. haha. "Here's To Crypto Taking Off!!!"

Your are probably right! Sláinte!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta