Banana Volatility! BTC ETH GOLD Dollar!

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Volatility! It's everywhere and perhaps it's the calm before the storm. Sometimes it hits us like a brick wall, and sometimes it creeps into our lives when just looking at the cost of a banana.


Inflation? What inflation! That Good old paper weight gold just keeps going down!


US 10 year suppressed and held at current level! Can't go up much!



Ahhh BTC! What all the banana's are looking at these day's. We had a nice smack down for a while and it's creeping up. Trying to get past those banana bear's! We want the Bull back! Well we have the FOMC meeting tomorrow. A lot rides on this and literally puts the world in the hand basket of moron banana's. Why did I choose banana? Cuz everything is just getting crazy these days.



Try to leave emotion out of this. Either have your short term vision or long term vision. Know what is happening in the world and try to counter-attack. I'm holding BTC now because it's just a hedge/gamble in a banana world. Fundamentals make no difference in the world of banana.

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Of course if care is not taken, one trips and falls, that's banana for you

At the same time, once garnished, it tastes sweet and delicious

We need those long terms and short terms goals,so we won't be victims of FOMO

Whether, we put in our emotions or not, once the goals is in clear sights, none of us will be taken off balance

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Well, I guess I can't get the GIF to work. Talk about crazy!

I still hold on to my btc and other coins without sell, I have a strong believe that bullish trend will take over the market in no time.

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