Dollar Dump BTC Pump?

in LeoFinance2 years ago


Yes I know people love the Queen.. for some reason. I didn't know her personally other than trading FIAT debt notes with her face plastered on the bills. Honestly the monarchy is nothing but rich people who have to pretend to like the plebs. Actors come in very different varieties and people like their idols. So that's my tribute to the "Queen".


In all honesty we live in an age where chemical castration, physical castration, and women sowing things onto themselves to pretend to be the opposite sex is normal. This is at least in the West. If you look at the mindless actions of our "leaders" it would seem the process of natural selection is acting normally.

Natural equilibrium would make you believe that G-d is non-existent. The truth is that the Elites are doing his work by helping to eliminate a bunch of really fucked up people. In all honesty they wouldn't be having children naturally anyway..

Yes of course it's heartless for me to say, but in actual reality if you have a half brain in your head you are already saying how fucked up things are. The normies want to go back to yester-year where it seemed to be better. In actuality human beings are the only thing that don't seem to fit in a world full of natural selection.



So here in the jungle of money manipulation #BTC pops and the $Dollar dumps... for now. Well I just spit out this post before the weekend. As you all know I turn off the electronic bullshit for a day. Not much will change. Humans war a lot and it's due to not fitting in a natural world. When it all breaks down we are used to turn against each other with justification. The truth is that we all sit back and enjoy the ride until we can't anymore.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Allow me to say one thing: fuck the queen. That bitch was a lizard.