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RE: Stock to Flow Nightmare: Uganda Finds More Gold Than Exists in the World

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

hmmm.. the uganda story is apparently fake..

I have to disagree with you quite a bit. Personally you have FUD on gold which is apparently a fake story. Second of all gold has been re-hypothecated 100 x over by banks which of course dilutes the known supply by magnitudes. Fundamentally that's BULLISH. The BRICS countries love gold.

Second you ask who will take gold? Well first of all it's a lot more liquid and convertible than HIVE. For fucks sake dude every Jeweler will convert gold or silver for CASH. There's barely a comparison even with BTC. I can see a jeweler or bullion dealer but not too many crypto for CASH places. Hive is even more niche and a bigger joke in comparison.

I'm chiming in because I like gold a lot and in these depressed times I would rather own it than BTC atm. I own both but BTC is a joke in comparison only because it hasn't even found it's floor.


The truth of the claim is largely irrelevant as the themes I've touched on are relevant no matter what happens. Themes of market cap, scarcity, derivatives, hedges, overhead costs, blah blah blah.

I like gold.

I think gold is awesome.
Doesn't mean anyone should put more than 1% of their net worth into it.

Also in the long term it's totally irrelevant if Bitcoin has "found its floor" or not.
You have no idea if this is the floor.
No one does.

I can guarantee Bitcoin will outperform gold over the next 5 years.
Only a day-trader should care if it's "found its floor".

But yeah I'm not really arguing with you here gold seems like an extremely legit play.

I'm an idiot pretty much have 15% of my net worth in bullion.. or am I heh
10% is in crypto and 1% in stonks. Real-estate is my biggest asset even though I have a mortgage left (small in comparison to equity). I'm doing all right as long as we don't go mad max.

Yeah but there is no way for anyone to win in the apocalyptic scenario.
Some people spend 15% of their surplus income buying cigarettes.
I'm sure you'll be fine.