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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 42 - Saturday 16 October 2021 | Week 10 - Autumn Challenge - Save $100! | LBI Giveaway - October Side-Gig | When will @susie-saver hit 1,000HP? | | Win EDS Tokens for Comments! Everyone Welcome

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Hello 👋 @susie-saver @shanibeer @eddie-earner . Hello Saturday Savers.
I’m encouraged by the progress of @susie-saver.

Congratulations to this week’s beneficiaries of tokens. @phoenixwren @miisaj @jfang003 @riandeuk

I’m seeing some great ideas for making extra funds in October and really love that my bro @missaj has started a great initiative. Looking forward to tasting a few samples.

If you’re interested in my progress (I’m at 75% of my HP goal of 1000HP) , check out the link to my Saturday Savers Club Report.

Wednesday Wellness Club Report

For the foodies out there here is the link to some Italian Food we had this week

Thanks for your usual kind support.


Hello @bearmol. It's good to see how you're steadily progressing toward your 1K HP goal each week. That's the key, slow and steady. I feel you will achieve this by year-end. Good luck.

It's always fun to read your cooking adventures.

Take care.

Thanks bearmol, good to see you're making progress too, good luck on your 1k hp goal. getting close now!

Good to see you @bearmol, always lovely to see your steady progress 😍.

Not long or far to go now, we're on the homeward stretch!

I'm excited about reaching this stepping stone.