Dollar cost averaging: why Important for crypto trading and business growth

in LeoFinancelast month (edited)


Over decade cryptocurrency trading has been much popularity and traders are making much profit from cryptocurrency trading, dollar cost averaging has been an approach that has helped investors and traders.

Dollar cost averaging is the process of depositing a certain amount of dollar or crypto not minding his price on this helps to spread out investment over time, on dollar cost averaging an invest on my decide to the investing $50 on monthly basis not minding if crypto price is high or low.

edited from pixabay

Advantages of dollar cost averaging.

Cryptocurrency market always experience price volatility price can go up in a short period of time which might be caused by technological advancement or change in regulation news or microeconomic factors so in employing dollar cost average might be fortunate to buy more units of assets when price are low and others when price is high and this will help to reduce the risk of investing which amount of money when price is high which can result loss of huge amount of money.

In cryptocurrency market there's always drastic changes that can lead to huge loss and this can cause emotional trauma especially when the money involved is huge but dollar cost averaging helps to reduce such outcome because dollar cost averaging in forces discipline as the investment is made in a systematical way.

Dollar cost averaging makes cryptocurrency investment easier for anyone who is interested because you will be investing small amount but consistently, it also gives more people the opportunity to participate in cryptocurrency market also dollar cost averaging offers flexibility because an investor can decide to adjust on the process if there is any change.

When an investor employs dollar cost averaging becomes for long-term growth because short-term price movement will not affect the investor, dollar cost averaging also have some psychological benefits which cannot be overstated.

Psychological benefits of dollar cost averaging.

Dollar cost averaging reduces anxiety that comes with investing huge amount of money once with the fear of losing
The amount and frequency of dollar cost averaging makes investing process less stressful and it encourages the good habit of saving because an investor that employed dollar cost averages will be self-disciplined financially to meet up with the fixed amount he has made to save.

Dollar cost averaging combats both fear of missing out and fear uncertainty and doubt because the regular investor have no fear of missing out anything no matter the market hype and panic he also has no doubt over his investment.

Case studies of dollar cost average.

There are different case studies of dollar cost averaging bitcoin is one of popular cryptocurrency that some investors have employed dollar cost average, starting from 2017 to 2021 some investors we're investing a certain amount of Bitcoin monthly and and they made some profit despite the bear season that was experienced in the year 2018 and 2020.

Just like Bitcoin even though ethereum experience price fluctuation investors who employed dollar cost averaging from 2018 to 2021 profited especially from 2020 decentralized finance boom and sometimes in 2021 when there was a bull season.

Challenges facing dollar cost average.

It can happen that most time an investor is investing in dollar cost averaging price is always high and this will affect the profit that should have been made from the investment.
Consistently buying cryptocurrency on a higher price in cures higher transaction fees so if an investor doesn't choose a low fee platform that's can also be a challenge.

Steps to implement dollar cost averaging.

There are some important practical steps needed in implementing dollar cost average in cryptocurrency trading.

Firstly is to choose the right trading platform with less transaction fees that will permit automatic reoccurring purchase of cryptocurrency such simplified process will help the investor, the investor will just need to set his account into getting debited in Fiat currency account and credited in crypto wallet.

Second step is setting a budget a fixed amount that you will be comfortable with even if you lose such amount of money it won't affect your financial health because cryptocurrency is high risk in nature.

The third step which is a very important step is making your crypto choice, this is a critical step because you you need to do your own research before embarking on this journey and this request much time and resources, making thorough research will help you to learn more about some other promising cryptocurrency beside bitcoin and ethereum as well as how to mitigate the risk involved.

Yes dollar cost averaging likely means put it out and forget it but sometime is also important to review investment and make adjustment where and when it is needed maybe when there is changing market condition you might choose to increase or reduce their amount of investment also when there is changed in financial circumstances.

Dollar cost averaging is not only for crypto investment an investor can employ dollar cost averaging in purchasing stock in purchasing mutual funds bonds and other commodities like gold and silver.


Other business that can employ dollar cost average.

There are some other businesses that can really benefit from Dollar cost average businesses like retail investors can benefit from automating regular investment into different portfolios.

Mutual funds and exchange traded funds can also benefit from Dollar cost averaging because they can consistently invest in security and reduce timing risk, hedge fund can as well use dollar cost average into manage new assets class.

Real estate investment trust can also employ dollar cost average invest in different properties this will help to boost their markets and also help to manage market fluctuations.

Also insurance companies, corporate Treasury department, endowment funds can also employ dollar cost averaging to manage risk as the aim for long-term growth.


Despite the challenges dollar cost averaging is the best investment strategy that helps both new investor, old investors, business to get long-term growth with little risk.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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