What is modular Blockchain

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)
Modular Blockchain is a category of Blockchain that belongs to modular stake and it contains some layers of specialized Blockchain that helps in creating a complete system.

Sharding of Ethereum POS is a good example of modular Blockchain
Modular Blockchain has been both scalable and decentralized, this was only possible because they shared the task in to three sections or layers which is Execution, consensus, and data availability.

Moreover this system is organized in a way that makes the blockspace bigger and setting more focus on shards, this makes modular Blockchain unique that monolithic Blockchain.

blockchain-3277335__340 (1).png

Let's discuss two of this layers.

Execution layer

Execution helps modular Blockchain to increase throughput, they do not just place L1(layer-1) where the transaction are executed instead it is been shared between L1 and the rollups, so rollups now complement the execution for L1.

Data-Availabilty layer

Sharding helps to create an accurate data in time for example once Ethereum data layer shards the validator in the network will escalate to smaller network where transactions on the Blockchain will be verified thereby creating more blockspace in the chain.

This process ensures that transaction history behind each block header is made available and accessable to anyone who wants to check the transition details.

why do we need modular Blockchain

Most importantly modular Blockchain helps to solve major challenges that monolithic Blockchain can't handle like checking consensus and validation of transactions in the Blockchain.

Modular Blockchain do not deprive other technology in the Blockchain to perform the duties they are situated for.

The separation of resources in modular Blockchain helps increase scalability in the Blockchain because each layer work effectively on its specialization, this is very important because it increases throughput thereby giving users more assurance especially first class users of the network.

Modular Blockchain is flexible, users can do thier module upgrade anytime depending on the advancement of the technology and thier personal needs.

In summary modular Blockchain through its distribution of various task helps the Blockchain security and also increases the Blockchain by increasing the blockspace in effect trying it's possible best in solving the Blockchain trilemma.


Spinning content huh? This is unacceptable and doing so will negatively impact your account henceforth. Thanks to @traciyork for the heads up. Despite this post having zero rewards, I'm adding my downvote in solidarity.

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This is a really interesting article as I didn't know the difference between modular and monolithic blockchain.

There are a few things that wasn't clear from your post,

  1. What challenges does monolithic blockchain face regarding checking consensus and validating transactions, and how is that overcome with modular blockchain.
  2. how many classes of users are there in a modular blockchain and how are they defined?
  3. You mention that users can do their module upgrade, can all users do that and how does one go about doing that?
  4. What type of blockchain is Hive?


  1. Monolithic Blockchain try as much as they can to work in line with the three components of Blockchain which are consensus, data availability and execution in just one space or layer.
    This has been a challenge and has lead monolithic Blockchain to focus on two those components either consensus which has to do with focusing on validated nodes and making sure they are in same space and data availability whereby execution suffers and most time they have to re -execute some transaction in the Blockchain.

modular Blockchain space out works in to different layers and during transaction each node are permited to execute transactions separately instead of doing it in just one layer like monolithic Blockchain and this secures and speeds up the transactions.

  1. We have three classes of users in modular Blockchain.
    The developers, the nodes validators and the investors.
    The developers develop modular Blockchain, nodes validators handle the network operations while investors are the ones who invest

  2. Upgrades are more accessible to developers and they do this based on the advancement of technology.
    4.Hive is a web3 Blockchain that is formed on delegated proof-of-stake (Dpos).

Thank you for stopping by @livinguktaiwan, I hope I tried providing answers to your question, have to a splendid evening.

You mention that users can do their module upgrade, can all users do that and how does one go about doing that?

Upgrades are more accessible to developers and they do this based on the advancement of technology.

Your word salad answer doesn't make any sense, and doesn't address @livinguktaiwan's question. In fact, your entire reply and your post both sound like they were either spun from articles like this or generated through an AI program. In either case, I'm downvoting this as a warning to other curators to tread carefully with your content.

Apologise to the community below are the links where I got the informations from:

Am so sorry please, this won't happen again, only original content I will produce henceforth, apologies please.

Wow, we have never heard that before…

So you're saying you've written this post and responded to my comment as if you're an expert in modular blockchain, but you actually know nothing about the topic?

Am not an expert on modular Blockchain, am still a learner trying to know more about Blockchain

Shocking that she would lie huh?