
It's supercool as you have said. There are a lot of articles and tutorials on the main page of spl when you visit the game. Check it out and see the most helpful

Basic strategy that I tell all newbies: Mele attack monsters in the front (Saw Icon) Range in the back (Arrow Icon) and magic (Cloud Icon)can go anywhere (cloud). Onc eyou get the hang of that, pay attention to the ruleset and adjust strat.

How do I get to start, these things you said only just appeared strange and I got more confused. How are these monsters connected to it being a card game?

Log in > Click the battle icon. This will take you to the battle page. Click Battle icon > the system will match you with someone. Once matched clicked CREATE TEAM. Pick your team and then Click Battle.

Oh thank you so much I will check it out and give you feedback if I experience any issue at all. This seems easier with your explanation. I really appreciate.


The first battle icon that needs to be clicked is at the top of the page and looks like a sword.

The others will show the word BATTLE.