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RE: Can You Handle Transparency? .:. WorkerBee PH-Pool Week 137

in LeoFinance8 months ago

Many are not equipped to handle the truth. That might include myself too. Still, the premise of knowing the truth for me outweighs the cons and will give valuable learnings in order to plan ahead and take necessary actions on those that we can control.


Knowing the truth BEFORE taking some "investment" action (or any other action) is very useful as it can save us a lot of money, stress, and some future issues... On the other side, you get your "slap in the face" in advance, so it hurts too... but at least, doesn't hurt in "the long term" 😃

Today, I had a discussion with friends on this topic as I found some of my posts "too negative" as my "shit tolerance" is lower and lower... We have many shady things, especially in crypto, and I can't stand some of that anymore... Especially those patterns that are repeating over and over again... Many people choose to close one eye and don't check and research, and when you serve them the truth, they get offended... They want a "different truth", the one that is sweet...

Thanks for taking the time to check my post!