Content creators growth motivation methods on Leo Finance

in LeoFinance4 years ago
LEO Finance is a paradise for content creators in the cryptocurrency and finance domain and has all the right tools to start posting in few seconds and managing all the monetary transactions associated to being rewarded for that. Along with it and to be consistent on this platform, we all have our ways to motivate ourselves and while some come from simply being a hobby and posting from time to time, if we want to fast grow here we need either to invest or to keep us motivated through different methods.


Myself I am using different motivation methods and thinking about it I believe there are some other ones that anyone can apply. Everything revolves around setting a goal and putting your energy into reaching that and than move to a new goal and so on. The important thing is to keep focus on your targets, reach milestone after milestone as you move along and simply aim higher and higher. So here are some of the methods that any content creator from this platform could use to reach the set goals.


1.Grow you LEO income and the intrinsic value that it provides. You can set yourself as targets to reach $100, $500, $1000, $2000 or more and to either continue earning or simply selling and use that money to improve your lifestyle.


2.Increase your LEO staking in order to earn more from curation, rather from authorship. You can set yourself as targets to reach a LEO Vote power as 0,5 LEO, 1 LEO, 2 LEO, 5 LEO, 10 LEO or so on. Through improving your staking you move on to a more passive income (even if not fully as you would still to curate either manually or automatic) rather than needing to create content day after day.


3.Get more LEO through content creation, curation and promoting on social medias. You cat set yourself as targets to reach 1,000 LEO, 2,000 LEO, 5,000 LEO, 10,000 LEO and so on. You can keep your tokens liquid or stake them in order to earn more also from curation.


4.Improve your ranking within the LEO Finance stakeholders. Even if there isn't any LEO Leaderboard for now (hopefully it will be in the future), you can check the Rich List for LEO stakeholders on LeoDex or Hive-Engine and see on what position you are ranking yours. You can target yourself to hold enough LEO to enter Top 200, Top 100, Top 50, Top 20 and so on and rank better and be more influential on the platform.

I am a results focused person and I use some of this methods to keep me focused and put all my energy into reaching the goal. I like to set myself to reach 10,000 LEO and at the same time improve my ranking between the LEO stakeholders and ultimately rank into Top 20. I know that it is a hard road ahead but aiming high simply keeps me going and it worked until now.

I wonder if you do the same or if you have other methods to motivate yourself and keep a high involvement on the Leo Finance platform. If that is the case I invite you to tell us about it and help others do the same. It is important to work together and the Leo Finance is as strong as the community is, so sharing is caring.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Improve your ranking within the LEO Finance stakeholders.

Better $LEO whales means better future for LeoFinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, that brings prestige and has its perks on curation. And just that you can establish yourself between the influencers from here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I set my target up to 10 K Leo Power. Now still 5K on the way and I have plan to power up 200 Leo with 25 times so I will reaching my goal.

To make my target comes true, I have to create content more and earn rewards from comment through Leo Finance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great plan and wish you to accomplish soon. I am going in the same time with 10,000 LEO and 10,000 HIVE staked. I am around 4k with each of them and I wonder which won I will reach first, for some reason LEO seem much doable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your methods ,good contents and activities on LeoFinance make you successful.

If we have a goal, we will want to reach it and we will know that we are on a journey.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are right and we need a plan for our journey in order to reach to an end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've found that setting short term goals works best for me. They need to be challenging but achievable in order to work best. My current goal is to do 5 articles/week up until Christmas (which is looking pretty good) and get to 2000 LBI-tokens before they stop selling them (which will be hard but achievable).
I tried to go with more long term goals earlier but I found that I tend to stop going after them eventually. Like I set the goal to have 10,000 Hive Power by the end of the year but then I found out about LeoFinance and suddenly my Hive power wasn't as important to me any more so I dropped that one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed that might be a better way than long term goals, or at least have them set as stepped even if you have a long term view on the things. Nevertheless, I feel that when I don't have any goal I am inconsistent in my posting around here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Same for me - setting goals certainly helps to keep me focused.

i use the first 2 methods as well and to add to that another motivational method for me is the number of comments i get. Generally speaking the interaction lvl!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I earned 10 leo yesterday which is a good bit for me. Growing my vote every day 🤑

And meeting new people