Splinterlands - Splintershards Delegation market is live and growing

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Splinterlands play2earn game on the Hive blockchain is evolving sprint after sprint and new features are releases along with them. And one that captured my attention on the last release is the in-game Splintershards (SPS) Rental Market. As now SPS is used for the battle rewards in the form of a multiplier based on the amount of staked tokens, it was normal to have also a market for delegation considering that this will ultimately determine a growing demand for those unprepared for it or new players. While the SPS requirements for the ranked battle rewards are not negligible - SPS Staking Multiplier for Ranked Battle Rewards - I believe that the new Delegation Rental market will only increase over time.


After we enter Splinterlands we need to navigate to Splintershards -> Manage SPS Delegation and chose the Market from the header, right after the SPS Delegation Outgoing and Incoming.


SPS Summary

The SPS Delegation Market will start by showing a summary on your SPS holdings as:

  • Total SPS = Total SPS Power. This is your current Staked SPS amount plus the Delegated amount to you and minus your Delegated amount to others.
  • Available SPS = Available SPS for filling bids on the market. This is your current Staked amount minus your Delegated amount to others and minus any Unstaking amount.


Bid Orders

Below these we find the current market demands in the "Others Bids" together with your action on the market in the form of "My Open Bids" and "My Filled Bids". There players can request SPS Delegation and pay for it with DEC or Credits and need to take into consideration also the 1 DEC bid fee which will be burned. In the same time, all rentals on this new market are for a one week duration and cannot be removed earlier than that. In the same time as this is a first version of the SPS Delegation Market and more and improved features are being developed, players need to pay attention to the fact that all delegations need to be removed manually after the rental duration has ended with this initial release. Thus, the current SPS Delegation Market requires some management when doing operations on it. But it is quite promising, well designed and a new revenue channel for players that kept on gathering SPS like gold or honey.

Revenue Math

In my case, I have 38,662.115 available SPS to fill orders on the market. If I would take the highest SPS request on the market, but consider that the amount would equal the one that I have would mean a revenue of 38,662.115 * 0.009 DEC per SPS per DAY = 347 DEC per day. If I am to consider a peg value for 1,000 DEC = $1 to simplify the math, that would translated into $0.347 per day, $10.41 per month or $124.92 per year. Not too bad for a new revenue stream which could improve in time. I am quite excited by the new market feature and I am sure things will get hot when the bull market will hit us.

Come and join the amazing world from the Splinterlands!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Already down to 0.008 not much value in renting out SPS and honestly it feels like it's a bunch of bot accounts asking for it for about $0.005 or less a day. Feels like it's being abused more than giving the game any real value at the moment.

Yeah, I think the market is in the making. And players need to adapt to the SPS staking requirements and I think we will see better numbers as time passes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

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I wasn't aware of this rental system, It surely will take SPS to all-time high, we all the team is working hard in creating new feature for their users to get benefited from.

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

Thank you for this explanation
I'm looking forward to start playing Splinterlands soon

If you don´t have an account yet, I´ll send you 10 NFT cards in case you use my Splinterlands referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=olf-summoner

I am in the game before it got developed, maybe you should use my referral link. 😀 😆

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

The way we see that the project team has been working hard for some time now and coming up with many new things but due to the market the effect of these things should be read. Not coming and the way we see it is a new feature and people will definitely love it.