6K Hive power Milestone

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I finally became a dolphins after all these years of back and forth. Despite the temptation to power down, I decided I was going to focus my attention on moving up the ladder by increasing my stake organically.


To achieve this, I've been posting at least once a day for over a year now and it has culminated in accumulating 6K hive power.

It is a small step towards my orca dreams that lies around 52K hive power and motivated by @daltono, I'll be pushing towards it in any way I can.

I'll try to accumulate USDT and buy any dip that may come in the future, to achieve my Orca dream. I'll also convert some of my Hive engine earnings to Hive and power up, but that will be after I've saved enough to fund a personal project outside of Hive.

Generally speaking though, achieving Orca status is the goal and I intend to get there in the shortest space of time.

This is the best time to do it because Hive is cheap and accumulating is easier than ever. Delay might be dangerous. Anyways, here's to 6k Hive power and more power to come.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Nice one bruh! Cheers

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

achieving Orca status is the goal and I intend to get there in the shortest space of time.

Good luck with that as you're going to need it.

I've been here for 3 years, have never cashed out a penny and I'm still just at 33600. And I've had a good evolution, can't complain.

Long road ahead of you, fasten your seat belt.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks yo. I'm going to market buy tokens as well this year. Although that's assuming the price drops significantly and I achieve my savings target.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, I'm not saying it won't drop at some point, but not significantly. What is the price you're hoping for?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm looking at around 10cents.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, that may be possible, but who knows? We'll see :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratz buddy :D

Thanks bro

Congratulations dear... best of luck for orca status run...

Thanks bro

Congratulations :))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks kate

Huge move making it to 🐬 after all of this time. Great to see you succeed on such a goal.

Remember it only took me 2 years to go from dolphin to orca. You can do something similar bro! Keep up being great and helping others when you can. you will surely make it where you wish to be.


Thanks bro, you're a big motivation to me.

i still don't even know how it works.

I'm here to help in any way you need bro

thanks mate. I have wrote a couple post but i'm not sure how i would get any earnings at all.
what should i actually do? I did vote for some other posts that i find interesting but still don't see anything going on.