Buy window or Panic time?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

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What a bloody year this has been; never have I felt this rollercoaster of emotions like I'm feeling now but alas, the show must go on and s time cometh in a man's life when he has to decide between the dark forces at play

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I could have sworn the bull market was in full swing. People were seeing signs and all that shit, so, yeah, I sort of prepared my bags for super massive gain after buying the previous dip.

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There's no way around it, this pain is a rite of passage for everyone that ever buys cryptocurrency. Yeah, I know they told you that Bitcoin will never go lower than 12k, so you FOMOd into it with your son's school fees, but here you are, sweating from your ass and losing sleep because of this "dumb Ponzi"

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There's no easy way to say this old sport, this is our reality and all we can do is

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It's going to be a rollercoaster of emotions and while you're trying to make some sense out of, you might be thinking of "cutting your losses" but ehhh

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Fuck it, just hodl and tell yourself you're in it for the technology 🤷‍♂️

None of the memes were created by me but they all don't infringe on any copyright rules.

Posted Using LeoFinance


Hehe.... Days like this can be shocking! Bitcoin going way down below 12k was like the shock wave of the year. Yet, we still gonna hodl😂

I always thought price of alts rise with daddy bitcoin but it turns out I was wrong !ENGAGE 20

No doubts I do think the same as well but it seems leo proved me wrong

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