Hive is so mature

in LeoFinancelast year


Scrolling through Twitter and traditional social media platforms kind of makes one realise just how precious Hive ecosystem is. There is always so much going on in the community and when you spend too much time inside, it is easy to underrate it.

Projects on hive often face a lot of internal criticism, which is all part of the process. If we don't constructively criticise ourselves, how are we ever going to get better as a community?

That said, when you look at what we're doing in the community and compare it to everything outside, you find that we are in a much better place than most. It is not just about the financial part because if that's you focus on, then you completely miss te plot.

Hive as a social media network gives users the opportunity to interact, share and engage with others on a level that is almost impossible to find outside the community. There's also the fact that the interactions on Hive aren't as toxic as ou would fine on platforms like Hive.

Investing made easy

One of the best parts about being on Hive is the ease of investing. I swear sometimes, it feels so unserious, you'd think you're part of a social experiment or a game or something. Navigating the platform doesn't come with the typical restrictions ypu'd find in other networks and that's something we don't talk about enough.

Navigating and accessing various projects on Hive is somewhat easy because of the fact that transactions are free on the network. Once you download keychain and set up your profile, you're good to go and unlike the Ethereum network, for example, where you need to pay tiny bits of the coin to approve contracts and whatnot, Hive experience is rather seamless.

This seamless experience really makes it so much easier to decide what you'd like to do on the platform. For example, you could start playing Splinterlands with absolutely nothing in your account and while earning requires buying a summoner spellbook, you're not compelled to have hive in your account before you can test out the game.

Staking Hive means you get to have more resource credit for participation but as I said, you can still explore freely without any financial commitment. In a way, this "works" against the money side since potential users aren't forced to buy Hive and pump the price but at least new users feel safe knowing that their decision to actually buy Hive is theirs alone and not forced by a mechanism.

We could debate about the rightness or wrongness of the simplicity of navigating Hive but what we know for sure is that this makes you feel safe. This is also not taking into account of the fact that unlike Metamask, Hive keychain and Hivesigner are both uncompromisable security measures that need no extra layer of security like Metamask does with a hardware wallet.

In summary

I think Hive community should be looked at as a social experiment and the platform should be studied. All our interactions on chain are right in the open but demographic data might be a little bit harder to get.

In any case, Hive proves that the issues pervading traditional social media are being handled wrongly. Whether it is free speech, decentralisation or curbing negative behaviours, Hive as a community is doing a great job of debunking myths and whatnot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I had always thought I was missing out on something in the outside world, I stepped out a bit and realized Hive had a model that is more mature than the ones out there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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