How low can Hive go?

in LeoFinancelast year

how low.png

There has been a couple of days of sideways movement below 30 cents but at some point, we'll have to start having difficult conversations about Hive. Considering the amount of FUD being peddled, it is safe to say that the worst is yet to come.

At 29 cents, Hive is still doing pretty well in the market. All things considered, I'll say the community is doing a solid job in keeping the value where it currently is.

Alas, there are forces beyond the community at play and at some point, it seems like Hive will cave into the pressure. It is not much of a prediction than an acceptance of our current reality.

The simple fact is that the market is toasted and there's no nicer way to put it. The worse part is that there's no sign of relief in sight but that's no reason to panic, I guess.

Hive down

Hive is down bad right now and it's not just about the price of the cryptocurrency. The activity level on the platform has dropped dramatically, as many creators have fled for greener pastures.

Those of us that stick around choose to see value in a situation that others don't and naturally, we hope it will pay off in the long run. Most of us are simply in love with the community and will continue being around, regardless of the price of Hive.

The earnings are nice and Hive still promises some of that. However, it goes beyond just money and I dare say it borders on love.

You look around the community and all you see are individuals doubling down on their efforts to grow on Hive. No one is thrilled by the drop in price but at the same time, no one is scared of a dump, if it comes around.

@finguru asked if your body is ready for 10 cents Hive and I must admit, I'm not but if it comes around, I'll act accordingly. No one wants bad days but when bad days come around, we have to take proactive steps to mitigate the rut.

For me, the plan is simple: dollar cost averaging. If Hive actually drops to 10 cents range, I'll pull out funds from my HBD savings and buy small amounts Hive power.

How low can it go?

I wish I had the answer to that question right now. I'm not a day trader and the only chart I've checked in months is Summoner Lab for Splinterlands assets, so I don't know much about the crypto market.

I have been keeping up with the FUDish publications peddled around the internet and they don't make for good reading. Analysts have been predicting more doom and gloom in the future, and with the way things are right now, it is hard not to be pessimistic.

At the same time, analysts have been wrong about the market before, so I'd take whatever you see on the internet with a pinch of salt.

10, 5 or 2 cents? how low can Hive really go? We don't know for sure but one thing that's certain is that I'll be sticking around for the entire ride.

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I'm just waiting for HIVE to hit 4 cents USD so I can buy at least 10k HIVE then power up.

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Hive reaches 4 cents and m definitely buying 50K and powering up. It's almost impossible right now though

I still have my high hopes for the 4 cents haha
I won't buy at these prices right now with my fiat since I can only buy a few of them if I buy right now.

But yeah, max I can buy with fiat when it hits 4 cents is 30k.

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This really is the best time to double down on Hive, imo. I've been through so many crypto crashes, it doesn't shake me, and more than that, I see them as opportunities.

You got the right mentality OG

I'm not worried about myself, as everything goes into Hive Power on my account. The big question is how long the witnesses can survive to keep the electricity running?

That's an interesting point.

I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Do I see a fellow mycologist here? 😊

Bear markets are for building not earning! I personally just started to create posts on Hive and will continue to do so because I see bright future of this platform. It is our job to promote are onboard less technical savvy people and there are many platforms we can do this even without budget!

And I agree, it doesn't matter how low hive goes, It seems that the core community here is already great!

Glad you're on board with us. I'll be looking out for your content. Just followed you

Thanks. But no, you didn't 😉

All I see is opportunities with buying hive at lower price

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Hive takes another leg down and I'm pulling the trigger for sure

I think Hive is at its support base as there are many laying in wait to collect cheap hive. Bitcoin is starting to recover so I think it will begin to climb.

I'm trying not to get my hopes high. Please don't so this to me 🥲

It will go down to around 15 cents is my guess and it will stay at that level for quite awhile. We need more visibility and less auto-voting. People me included, think auto-votes take away from the satisfaction of true interaction. Auto voting doesn't really exist on other platforms. I think auto-votes take away from the authenticity of true curation.

What other platforms can you compare to hive?

Wordpress I used to write on wordpress before Hive

Fair point but wordpress monetisation is completely different from Hive right?

Some curators choose to autocurate certain authors that have a track record of creating a certain kind of content and they regularly check who they're autocurating to ensure the standard is kept.

Markets will do market things.

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Crypto will crypto

Hive will Hive

no one is scared of a dump, if it comes around.

Exactly and HIVE is strongest community I have ever seen in the crypto industry and that is the reason that HIVE investment is my first priority.

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As I mentioned in another topic, many times the efforts of the newer ones are frustrated because they go unnoticed in the community. I have to talk to people who don't see a future precisely because of this and have all the best intentions. What I can do is recommend that they join take a look around to read content from other users, unfortunately, as you say, the market doesn't help much either, I personally started to dabble again here, we'll see how everything goes, thanks for your thoughts

I don't have any analysis to back me up. However, I don't think we'll see HIVE at less than $0.20, if we even get that low. Crypto prices generally tend to rely on the price of BTC. So, if BTC drops more, we'll see HIVE drop. But, I think we are close to the inflection point.

I'll have plenty of dry powder (HBD) to take advantage of $0.10 Hive. We've been there before.

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where are the "greener" pastures?

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