I sold my plot, staked more SPT and now I'm scared

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Splinterlands has been my mainstay for a while now and thanks to the revenue I generate from the game, I've been able to increase my investment in various platforms. One of such investments is my SPT stake and post rewards from talking about the game have been great.

During the SPS airdrop, the value of SPT and other tokens related to the game have risen. Thanks to that rise, I've also earned quite a lot from my hive content and I decided to stake every single SPT token I earned, bar the NFT I bought recently.

It has felt really good to be able to squeeze out and reinvest profit these days. Still on the topic, for the first time during the SPS airdrop, I actually bought SPT tokens from the market and staked them.

I made 48X profit, why am I scared?

Earlier, I sold my plot of land that I bought at $15 for about $720. It's the most profit I've ever made from a single entity and a part of me always feels pain that I didn't invest more in land.

Anyway, the proceeds from selling land were reinvested into my portfolio. I converted a decent chunk of the proceeds to HBD that was moved to saving for 10% APR and the rest was reinvested into LEO, SPT, and some DEC.

If we're going based on the airdrop points, a plot of land gives 10k airdrop points. That's equivalent to about 10k DEC, so after selling the land, I just added 10K DEC to my holding to ensure I don't miss out on my SPS.

After buying DEC, I bought some LEO and SPT tokens that I staked. I originally intended to buy only SPT tokens but I'm still fixated on my goal to rise up the Leo ranks, so I got some Leo tokens as well.

I made a long-term target of achieving 100K SPT before the end of the yea. Right now, I'm about halfway there with 43k SPT staked, so that's some good news.

The scary part

Pulling out $720 from Splinterlands felt good and as stated on multiple occasions, land is going to be very important in the game as we move forward.

I fear that my decision to sell land at this price might be a bit premature. Judging by how the value of assets has progressed over the last couple of weeks, it's very likely that the price of land plots could go as high as $2000 per plot.

It would suck to miss out on that amount of profit, but that's just how the crypto game goes and one has to live with their decision.

As much as I'm proud of my decision to sell at this amount of profit, which is quite a lot, to be fair, I'm still very wary about missing out on bigger profit.

Gratitude is important

At the end of the day, I have to be grateful and not greedy. Missing out on profit sucks but I have to be glass half full and just be happy I was able to make a profit.

Since the airdrop started and probably sometime before it even, the value of Splinterlands assets has been rising and that's been a very profitable venture for me.

I'm counting on it to facilitate my plans to relocate with my family in the coming months. It's not healthy to place all your bets on one part of your portfolio but right now, I'm just letting Splinterlands do the magic.

I really hope things work out in the long run. Splinterlands is already the most lucrative crypto investment in my life but if we succeed with relocating from our earnings from the game and other crypto ventures, it would be absolutely awesome.

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Grate post, I think you should be proud about yourself because you did amazing profit! Remember after first 100k SPT 1kk will be just a little step 😬

Haha. I know right? That's the dream tbh

Nice plan bro. My international passport just came through so soon enough I'll be leaving too.

I'm confused between Plab route that might cost me N1.5M or just going through master's what with Tari being over there already.

Master's might be more expensive but its a sure bet for me

Plab isn't sure? From all the information I;ve gotten, Doctors generally have free pass

Plab is an exam na...

One doctor even failed and committed suicide this year

@belemo You sold your only land? or do u have more? Anyways, keep on staking that SPS, I believe we share the same thoughts about SPS and how insane important it will be for future SLs! 😉 I am milking SPS as f'''! Get as much as you possibly can! Keep up mate!

The thing with crypto is you have to cash out at some point, 50 times is pretty good.

But I'm afraid I'm not gonna tell you what you want to hear - I don't think any of those other assets are going to outperform land in the long run!

You're right, It's not what I want to hear 😭

you know that you can delegate the SPT to @monster-curator and get curation rewards daily, if you dont have time to do it, they do it quite optimally and you get the rewards. delegated still counts towards airdrop.

Yeah I know about that and I've considered doing it for a while but I also just like having control of my stake and upvoting who I choose to upvoe.

I didn't know that fact. Thank you for sharing.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Nothing wrong with taking profits. As long as there is a clear long-term plan in place rewarding yourself along the way is the preferred way to go in crypto IMO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

have you actually cashed out $720 or it is still in crypto?
if you are in stable coins / usd then it is possible you made a good deal considering price is likely to fall, at least a bit

I exchanged it for about $500 worth of HBD that's in savings and the rest is in crypto. I feel good and scared at the same time, it's weird.

well, water under the bridge. you would never sell because it always could go higher :)
I have this issue with a book - I paid £40 for it, there is chance I can sell it for £200 now, but it may go higher.
so it sits in one of my boxes getting old :)

the plot was only $15 ?? damn you really made a gigantic good deal there dude ..

and yes it is scary but is seems you have divided the assets in a smart way so you will be fine eventually man.. Good going!

Thanks mate. I put a decent amount into HBD savings and then reinvested the rest. Fingers crossed

Worrying about future, may cause missed opportunities of today. May be land go to $2000 or may be SPT do another 4x, good thing is that you re-invested the money. (curated by r1s2g3)
Your post has been manually curated by @monster-curator Team!

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you could always just HODL everything. Re-investing in other projects to 48x is difficult. In any case congratulations on the profit and nice to see you re-invest into other projects.


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Plot? You can purchase virtual land on Splinterlands?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Man, I bet that really did feel good . I get sick to my stomach every time I see the price of the land because I had bought 3 lands at $15 dollars. And I had something come up where had to sell way too early I don't even want to say what I sold them for but grats to u