New addition to the family: Most expensive crypto funded purchase

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

I'm pleased to say that we added a new member to our family. She's a 2007 Honda Accord and will be used to make life a lot easier.


We live a very sedentary lifestyle, since we're at home like 90% of time but then there's that 10% that's become extremely tedious. Going to the market, stopping at shops and everything in between has become infinitely more tedious, so adding this car this baby was a matter of necessity.

I named her Patience because I've always wanted to own a car and I had to patiently grind for the past four years before I could afford her. @wolfofnostreet named her Ella because she likes the name "Ella".

What did she cost?

Since she's a bit old(2007) and fairly used, we got her at a reasonable price of $3000. She came with all the necessary papers and stuff.


She was gotten from a reputable dealer who is also my neighbour. Generally speaking, I think it was a good deal and after taking her for a spin, I totally enjoyed the performance.


Well, my entire life is funded by crypto, so it should come as no real surprise that I also bought this car with proceeds from crypto. I combined my hive, and half of the FORTH tokens that I received in the Airdrop some months ago.

This is also my single most expensive purchase with crypto, since I started grinding in 2017. It is also a big step in my life becomes it comes with a lot of responsibility.

Keeping it healthy

The most difficult part is ensuring she's constantly in healthy condition. This will require using her carefully and not going to shitty terrains.


It is also important to use the services of an efficient mechanic. My neighbor/car dealer recommended a fellow to me, and I'll be using his service for now.

I don't intend to use it for any road trip, so I don't think I'll be having too many mechanical issues. However, if the opportunity to make a long trip presents itself, we'll try it.

For now, I'll be the only one driving it but wife will be taking classes soon. Since it is automatic transmission, it'll be easy for her to learn. After that, she'll go to a driving school and then register for a license.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Look at you moving up in life!

Lol thanks man. It's a nice feeling.

Big man vibes ... Congrats mate

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Lol thanks man

Am really happy for you congratulation @belemo more success to your life

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Congrats bro 👏

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks mate

Congrats. That must be a great feeling. Funding your car purely on crypto!

Thanks yo. It's a good feeling

Nice one Bruv

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks mate.

Congrats to you and your wife @wolfofnostreet! It's no easy thing to acquire a car just on crypto. Ella Patience is a cool car but maintenance is important. Best wishes. 🙂

Thanks. We'll take care of her.

King of Nigeria. One shit post at a time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

👑 🤝


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Working well. took long drives and it gave me optimum performance.

Nice, congrats! I had a 2008 Honda Civic and I loved it. If you treat them right, they will run forever.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And treat it right, I certainly will.
Do you like Hondas?

I do in general, yes. My current car is a Jeep, though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congrats bro 💪, the hustle has been real from 2017.

I will be there shortly too

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks bro. The hustle will pay nicely.

You did it, bro! Feels like a win for me. You know how we rate our future success by that of our senior siblings kinda thing. I feel like I'm winning on the other side already. Thanks for always showing us what's possible and being our guardian angel.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're making me get all emotional and stuff. Stop ittt 🥺

Nice one buddy. There will be ease of mobility now.

Yeah man. It's a big relief

Congratulations on the new wheels! Very nice!

Thanks man. It's a sweet feeling.

It is in remarkably good condition. The previous owner must have taken good care of it. Congratulations. Nothing beats that first feeling behind the wheel.

Posted using Dapplr

Very sweet feeling. I got a really good deal.

Congrats. It’s nice seeing good things like this.

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Thanks mate. It's a sweet feeling.

Wow! That's really cool. There's nothing like seeing the fruit of your labors! Congratulations!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks mate. Its a sweet feeling

Congratulations. This is such a nice ride. To think it was solely funded with crypto makes it super cool

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