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RE: AI Generated Publications Should Be Considered Fraud on Hive. Here's Why...

in LeoFinancelast year

Here's the thing; it is impossible to stop AI and bits from flooding hive, however, it is possible to prevent them from earning reward.

My opinion is that, the very act of using AI to generate a publication is not fraud and I also believe that publishing it on hive with a disclaimer that the publication is AI generated, is also not fraud.

As you've mentioned, the reward pool on hive is controlled by the community through upvotes and downvotes, so the solution will be to regulate earning from AI generated posts. It is just the same way threads don't earn as much as full posts on hive, they can be regulated.

I believe that, while AI does the brunt of the work in compiling the text, the prompt and opinion is human generated. So, if we make Hive too hostile for AI generated posts, we are effectively stopping people from expressing their view.

acidyo came up with a solution during the Hivefpl saga and it was to encourage AI-generated publishers to reject reward completely. This way, we will not be infringing on the rights of people who choose to use AI.


How many that are going to be tempted to use AI do you think will stick to using it based on your guidelines?


Gaming the system(whatever system) is exactly the reason why AI is so hyped lately.

Definitely I honestly agree with you, voting AI content should now be a choice for moderators.

It's either a Yes to upvote or ignore and move to the next available content that pleases you

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta