
that sounds crazy I hope to get his NFT, It´ll be the best card ever


It'll also be very expensive but lets wait and see

I just want it to be obtainable in normal packages, because otherwise it will be a monopoly that only a few will be able to buy, and I don't think that's the idea, no other card is like that #brownlios

I'm pretty sure each one will cost upwards of $500 because ain't no way it is made available for the public. I am also sure that it will not be obtainable from normal packs but time will tell

maybe a pack that cost $20 and a very low drop rate, that would help to sell it better

$500? we need to have several NFTs then sell them

At the same time, I think that Messi would be willing to pay $20 for a regular level 1 card, but no more than that, because I don't think p2e is going to compensate him, how much would you pay? #brownlios

I'm already imagining a maximum level messi card with 400 bxc cards hahhaha, it will cost several thousand dollars, if we ever see it #brownlios