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RE: Everybody's lip

in LeoFinancelast year

CBDCs aren't used and aren't necessary in Nigeria because we have an advanced banking system that facilitates transfers in a matter of seconds.

Truth is that the whole CBDC thing was a ploy to steal public funds. No one is using it.

There was naira scarcity but it was a politically motivated move, rather than a ploy to boost use of CBDC.


Thanks, what about that they limit your daily ATM witdrawal??? I heard it from few different source, they've already limited it, some said 20$, some said 50$ / day. Is it true or not?

Just asking, because the psychopaths think it seriously in Europe. Even the small Eastern-European countries are going full digital. Within few years, they want to get rid of the government's useful humanoids. They are building out a fully digitalizied gov system. You do everything online, even like renew your driving licence or passport, and within 3 years, they want to close all the gov offices for these purposes. From that only 1 step the forced CBDC.And it won't be optional. You renew your passport, ID, driving licence etc online or you won't have it, so you cant drive, travel etc. Same with "money". (Good that they say so often, this is the democracy!!! :) :) :) )

Couple of years ago they planned to do it with vaxx pass (connect everything to that), what was a huge failure. So they changed the way, but not the target. They don't really care how they call the "document" what links everything to you, they just want the control over that.

good to know Nigerians could avoid it. Unfortunately, europioids are 100% obeying, fooled idiots...

Truth is that it's not a case of Nigerians avoiding it. We don't have enough facilities to implement it.

Thr international community often depicts actions by our government like they're intentional schemes to achieve control but in reality, it is just gross ineptitude. There's not enough text in the world to summarise how dumb our government is