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RE: Should AI generated publications be considered fraud on Hive?

in LeoFinancelast year

Well, I do understand your point of view and yes, I don't think it's fair that people can just make content with the click of a button but considering that;

  • AI is inevitable
  • AI content can be easily manipulated to human work by people like us
  • AI could be big business in the future.

Is it right to completely dissociate hive from AI?

I feel like we can find a middle ground for AI content in the same way platforms like Leothreads found a middle ground for short form content and how Liketu enables you to "publish" one picture on chain.

Perhaps prevent AI generated posts from earning on hive but allow visibilty since the information expressed is the opinion of the person that sends the bot the prompt. This way, we won't stifle the voices of people who rely on AI to share their opinion and this also alligns with the ethos of hive.