Not your common BTC PIZZA DAY article

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Everyone knows that Laszlo Hanyecs published on BitcoinTalk 11 years ago that he would transfer 10,000 BTC for 2 pizzas and took 4 incredible days. And this post is not about the story itself of how he made that purchase, details and etc.

But what is the real importance of that day?

This act of offering 10,000 for 2 pizzas is so remarkable, that we mentioned until today, and it was necessary for someone to offer this cryptocurrency in exchange for a product, service, to show the real usefulness of this coin. It took someone to raise the flag that Bitcoin is a digital currency not your FIAT. And this is symbolic, so meaningful that we should thank him so much. We must consider the points below every year thanks to him:

-If he hadn’t done that for 11 years, would we be at that level?Bold**

Bold-Would we have evolved so much in this digital market?

-Would these more than 1000 cryptocurrencies be in existence?

These 3 reflections are important because many people today do not understand the importance of an act.

He himself does not regret having spent this huge amount of bitcoins on this purchase because if he had not been the pioneer in proving that it is possible to use crypto as a form of payment, as a means of currency, it is not known if we would be at this level of price. And to show that he doesn't regret using his BTC, you probably didn't know that he repeated the purchase, not with the same amount of course, but 8 years later. Is not true?

And to show how important and historic this day is in 2021, 11 years later, to celebrate another day of pizza for bitcoiners, campaigns by companies in the sector are rewarding customers, such as papa johns, domino's and others pizza places!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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