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RE: The Hive Engagement League 🏆

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Wow. Nice job this week, nice to see a little 'down time' did nothing to hurt the numbers. WooooHoooo.

@galenkp I'm surprised or not so much. @tripode I'm impressed. Nicely done in your 2nd week. Serious. @jlufer is one of the nicest guys on the chain, always good to see him up top.

Thanks Asher! Per normal it's a great week and a great result. Good stuff.


hello dear friend @ bigtom13 good afternoon
I heartily appreciate your kind words, thank you very much
congratulations on the excellent place, you are in the top five of the competition
Have a wonderful afternoon and a happy start to the week

It's fun, isn't it? I just love meeting new people and spending a few minutes with old friends.

Thank youu @bigtom13 i was also very impressed, more than you believe me 😂 Before seeing the post, it was a friend of mine who told me that i had won second place and i was like whaaat? wait... what? Are you sure? hahaha have a nice day!

Couldn't make me any happier than to see you there. I love seeing you come in and kick ass and take names.

It's what makes our world go round.

hahahahahahahahahhahah i didn´t meant to kick anybody´s asss 😑😪😰 But now that i am... it very good tho.😂

It was a fair and legitimate ass whoopin, good for you!

Did you know that asher also has a swear list? I generally rank fairly high on that one, too. I'd like to feel bad, but I don't.

What does it consist of? I would like to participate to see if i kick your ass.. hahahahahahhahaha JK

Every three or four months he publishes a list of the top swear word people on Hive. I have been known to write how I talk from time to time :)

Swear word is like a bad word?? Sorry i don't speak much english hahahahah

Top 5, not too shoddy at all. Thanks for taking part and have a great week too :)