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RE: Cash or card? (plus the wad of cash amount total)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I don't have a credit card. I have a smaller stack of cash for emergency purposes that a credit card might be useful for.

I too have a Visa Debit card that I use almost exclusively simply for the convenience. I don't do any 'off the books' stuff anymore, so I don't mind that I can track every purchase in my bank account. I spent several years where my bank account only paid obvious bills. Mortgage, utilities, groceries. Everything else went through the Bank of Tom. It didn't do my credit rating any favors but I don't give a shit about that. I applied for a Credit Card a few years ago and they turned me down due to lack of history. Saved me from myself, as it were.

Cash above ATM amounts is a little tough for me to come by right now. My bank is 'appointment only' in the lobby... Sounds rather fishy to me.

I was just sitting here trying to remember the last vehicle I bought with anything but cash. It's been a solid 30 years or more...


I remember the good-old-days of waling into banks...These days it's all ATM's but I hate them. I still go to the branch to deposit cash or remove large amounts, anything over $500. They make it so awkward though. I might be the only one in line and there's two tellers both of whom ignore me for as long as possible, hoping I go to the ATM I guess. Idiots.

Then I arrive at the counter and they say, you can do this at the ATM you know. Read that exasperated tone.

I say, hmm, yes I know, but I value a more personal social interaction when I do my banking, if that's ok with you?

Oh, but it's so much easier for you.

I pretend to think about it for a few moments and then, no, I think I'll stick with this more personal approach for now. So, how are you and how's your day been? Nice smile on my mug of course.

They hate it.

Fancy working for an employer that pays you to coax people out of using you in preference for an ATM that will eventually mean your redundancy. But the digital world creates more jobs G-dog! Yeah right, and pigs fly too.

Like you, I prefer cash and will continue to use it as often as I can and until it has no value anymore. :)

We have so many old people that the tellers are pretty good about taking care of customers. I know my local branch manager and generally at least say hello to her when I'm in.

My limit is about $100 from the ATMs. I know where every hundred and 50 goes, but the $20s I get from the ATM tend to leak away :)

I always have a couple thou in 50s and 100s when I head out on a trip. Just in case...

That's good to hear, that the oldies are looked after.

I don't get to see $100's very often. When we get them they go straight into the safe. :)

P.s. Have a look at Discord Tom. Messaged you.