Actions indeed speak louder than words, a fact we've all observed individuals may talk a good game, a whole lot of shit, but their actions often expose their genuine nature LOL.
Remember, the truth is the truth, and it's non-negotiable NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY. Words are cheap, and making promises is easy means nothing for some. But living by those promises, that's what truly counts make your words count. It's time to tell the truth, stop lying, start living more authentically and be truthful.
You only get one life, one life and there are no second chances. You can't undo past mistakes, but you can adjust your current course. Don't delay until tomorrow, start today stop fucking your life up. Today is the day to wake up, choose the right path, and liberate your mind. Step out of the cave, be brave, and consider a new beginning. It's time to start living.