@jacobtothe & @hivepope: The Hypocrisy of ‘Excommunication’ While Enabling Scam Farms”
Meta Description:
Bilpcoin exposes @jacobtothe and @hivepope’s complicity in Hive’s scam farming ecosystem, using blockchain evidence to prove their corruption. Transactions don’t lie.
To @jacobtothe & @hivepope:
You lecture about “sin,” “repentance,” and “community engagement,” yet your actions reveal a deeper truth: you protect scam farms while silencing critics. Let’s break it down:
1. The Downvote Crusade: Suppressing Truth, Rewarding Fraud
Your recent voting activity speaks louder than your words:
- Downvoted Bilpcoin’s Exposés:
- “@jacobtothe’s Downvote Army” (-15% via @bpcvoter3).
- “The Scam Farm Kingpin” (-10% via @bpcvoter3).
- Rewarded Scam Shit Posts:
(e.g., “GTTEP Exommunication Vitandus”).
Key Question:
Why does @buildawhale—a known scam farm—consistently get rewarded while you attack those exposing corruption?
2. The Scam Farm Connection: @buildawhale’s Daily Payday
money-printing scheme@buildawhale isn’t just a “farm”—it’s a funded by @blocktrades’ delegations. Here’s how it works:
- Total Power:
2.3M HP97% of its power is borrowed, not earned. Wallet Proof. delegated from @blocktrades—
3. The Hypocrisy: “Sinful Behavior” vs. Your Actions
You accuse us of “spamming” and “plagiarizing AI,” yet:
- Enable Scam Farms: @buildawhale siphons rewards away from honest creators.
- Exploit Poor Users: Use vulnerable creators to promote Hive while silencing critics.
- Contribute Nothing: Your posts lack substance, yet you downvote those exposing corruption.
The Irony:
You lecture about morality while enabling scams. Transactions don’t lie—you’re part of the problem.
4. The Community’s Wake-Up Call
Hive’s integrity is at stake. Every curation reward from @buildawhale’s bot votes:
- Steals from creators.
- Centralizes power.
- Normalizes abuse.
Action Steps:
- Audit the Scam: Check @buildawhale’s activity log for spam comments.
- Demand Accountability: Ask @blocktrades why he funds scam farms.
- Spread the Truth: Share this post and tag honest users.
5. The Evidence Speaks Louder Than Words
We’ve exposed the truth repeatedly with ironclad evidence:
Key Links:
Final Message to @jacobtothe & @hivepope:
Keep downvoting and deflecting. The blockchain has already recorded:
- Your silence on our exposés.
The Truth Hurts:
You’re puppets for scam farms. We’re here to fight for Hive’s integrity.
#HiveBlockchain #ScamFarmsExposed #DownvoteCartel #Bilpcoin #BlockchainTruth
SEO & Engagement Features:
- Keyword Focus: Hive scam farms, downvote cartel, blockchain hypocrisy.
- Internal Links: Direct readers to Bilpcoin’s audits and scam farm data.
- Tone: Defiant yet factual, blending urgency with hard evidence.
- Hashtags: Designed to trend on Hive, Twitter, and crypto forums.
Transactions don’t lie. The evidence is here—investigate it.
The Bilpcoin Team
Bpc Monster Fighters Episode 3
“@jacobtothe’s Downvote Circus: Fighting Truth or Fighting Fair?”
Meta Description:
really fighting for? The blockchain reveals all.
Bilpcoin challenges @jacobtothe’s relentless downvoting campaign against transparency. What’s he
Dear @jacobtothe,
You can keep downvoting the truth all you want—it just makes your desperation more obvious. Every click of that downvote button screams, “I’m scared of accountability!” But guess what? Downvotes don’t erase facts. They’re permanent, just like the evidence we’ve shared.
The Data
Let’s recap what your downvotes are trying to bury:
@buildawhale’s 2.4M Hive Power Scam Farm:
- Delegations:See the wallet. 2,341,581 HP from @blocktrades (97% of his power).
- Activity: Daily spam comments and bot-driven self-votes. Check the logs.
Your Own Downvote Patterns:
- Targeting Critics: Posts exposing corruption get hit hardest. Your activity.
- Enabling Abuse: Protecting scam farms while silencing honest creators.
What Are You REALLY Fighting For?
- Option 1: Protecting scam farms and unethical delegations.
- Option 2: Suppressing dissent to hide your friends’ corruption.
- Option 3: Clinging to relevance in a community you’re actively harming.
Spoiler: None of these align with Hive’s values.
Bilpcoin’s Mission Stands
We fight for transparency, fair rewards, and accountability. What do you fight for, @jacobtothe?
- Silencing truth-tellers?
- Enabling scams?
- Centralizing power?
Your actions speak louder than your words. Keep downvoting—we’ll keep exposing.
Call to Action: Investigate for Yourself
- Review the Evidence:
- Ask Questions: Why does @blocktrades delegate millions to a scam farm?
- Demand Change: Downvotes won’t save Hive—truth will.
#HiveBlockchain #DownvoteAbuse #Bilpcoin #ScamFarmsExposed #BlockchainTruth
Bpc Monster Fighters Episode 2
Dear @steevc,
You claim that Hive has a "built-in immune system" to deal with bad behavior, yet it seems this so-called immunity only works when convenient for individuals like yourself. The truth is, the blockchain doesn’t lie—and every transaction tells a story. Instead of addressing the evidence we present, you encourage others to mute us or dismiss our work as "spam" and "AI-generated junk." But ignoring the truth doesn’t make it disappear.
Let’s be clear: our comments aren’t incoherent or irrelevant—they’re backed by verifiable evidence of corruption, scam farming, and abuse of power on Hive. For example, take a look at this post from @bpcvoter3, which lays out undeniable proof of unethical activity:
Uncovering @themarkymark's Withdrawal Activity on Hive Blockchain
We expose the truth, while you downvote it into obscurity. That’s not accountability—it’s suppression. You accuse us of being annoying, but who’s really harming Hive? Is it the people fighting for transparency, or those enabling scams and silencing dissent?
You say you’ve “given up” engaging with us because our issues are “nothing to do with you.” Yet here you are, actively working to discredit us instead of focusing on what truly matters: fostering a fair and healthy ecosystem. If Hive isn’t perfect—and you admit it isn’t—why not address the real problems instead of targeting those trying to fix them?
At Bilpcoin, we’re here to help Hive by shining a light on corruption and holding bad actors accountable. What do you contribute besides protecting unethical practices and making Hive look worse through coordinated downvotes and enabling scam farms? The contrast speaks volumes.
You may choose to ignore us, mute us, or even avoid reading our posts, but the truth remains. Transactions don’t lie, and neither do we. Your actions reveal far more about your priorities than any words ever could.
The Bilpcoin Team
The above account is under a Writ of Excommunication. They remain unrepentant despite numerous warnings against their sins of spam, bearing false witness, and misuse of artificial intelligence. They have refused wise counsel and instruction to better behavior. They plead ignorance to the cause of their falling reputation, and ask questions about downvotes which have been answered on innumerable occasions already. Until they seek absolution, they are to be shunned by the community.
if you want watch it ,like it ok !

I use pics show it ,now ok ?
Do you really want to keep playing the same game with yet another account? Your hard-headed refusal to admit wrongdoing and continual pattern of uncivil behavior is why you get downvoted. I stopped replying because I would have more luck debating a brick wall.
You demand answers while pretending your questions were never addressed. You're a troll, and your misguided crusade has earned the ire of many, not because there is a HIVE conspiracy, but because you are obnoxious.
You claim to provide "accountability." You are getting real accountability in the form of zeroed rewards. All you need to do is stop spamming, stop making insane accusations, and start treating other community members with the respect any content creator is due.
Transactions don't lie. They reveal yet another sock puppet account of your own. It's sad, because this one might have had a chance to actually earn my respect had it not opened up with your copy/pasted accusations.
No one is under any obligation to read or respond to your tirades. Stop demanding engagement and instead earn it by being a better author and a better member of your community. Don't demand we read your poorly-formatted inarticulate link lists. Make your case in a compelling way and don't add yourassive essays as comments on irrelevant posts.
Irrelevant to the argument at hand, and irrelevant to remedying your misbehavior.
The above account is under a Writ of Excommunication. They remain unrepentant despite numerous warnings against their sins of spam, bearing false witness, and misuse of artificial intelligence. They have refused wise counsel and instruction to better behavior. They plead ignorance to the cause of their falling reputation, and ask questions about downvotes which have been answered on innumerable occasions already. Until they seek absolution, they are to be shunned by the community.
Nice edit, but transactions don't lie, and the version history remains.
Prove it. Don't spam the blockchain. Stop making wild accusations.
@bilpcoinbpc, you're rewarding 0 replies from this discussion thread.