The best way to earn crypto is to learn.

in LeoFinance3 years ago


I believe you agree with this, learning is the key for any successful investor/ trader. You can learn in different ways, not in school or in college! But you can learn at your home by search on google, forums, blogs, online groups, and youtube tutorials. When I was a beginner in trading, I lost an unforgettable amount because I heard trading is profitable and I thought it will be simple for anyone to earn easily! But that is not true, you need to learn to be a successful trader/ investor. There are many things that we don't know and they can help to boost our skills and we will increase our profit when we learn and apply them in our trades/ investments.

Just learn, never be tired to learn because it will help you a lot....

  • Learn the basics of trading
  • Learn the basics of investing
  • Learn how to prepare a good trading/investing plan
  • Learn how to control trading emotions
  • Learn about trading discipline
  • Keep learning,

Learn again & again...
There are still many things that we don't know.

Wishing you good luck in learning!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



Made-2-Scam type of account


@Spaminator Fuck you! Every time when I write something you give me a downvote, I told you I'm not a spammer and I showed you proof but you keep doing it! It's not a must to be here man, I can still earn money without posting here! Fuck you again, and I am really sorry but you wanted it to be like this. Bye! Stay with your community, I'm out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is true! The things I learn along the way are the greatest treasure of all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely! There are many things we must know in crypto otherwise we will face difficult challenges.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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