Crypto Needs Hype But Solid Projects

in LeoFinance2 years ago

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Crypto Needs Hype But Solid Projects

Crypto continues to get slammed while the stock market is starting to pick up steam. Yes, yes before we get into this I know that the stock market is greatly manipulated by many things including that it's mainly USA bound and not worldwide like crypto that of course skews information a bit as there really isn't anything like crypto.

However crypto in general to be honest has gone some rather troubling times that from the outside looking in would make me think twice.

I believe that's part of the issue us old timers in crypto have. We understand these waves that happen and the ups and downs and that a lot of this is still speculative but has a real future.

What Crypto Looks Like To Outsiders

There's three main areas that most people have exposure to in which all have some major issues. These major issues are greatly outweighing the real value behind these assets however I believe this bear market will at least clear it up. My hopes are it clears it up faster than 3 years like the last one took.

DeFI has HUGE potential and is only two years old. However through all the rug pulls and hacks it's gotten a very bad name and really takes away from the true value that these platforms create. Think of them as you becoming the banker and instead of the bank and government getting massive funds on loans etc YOU get it instead. There's huge value there to give back to people and spread the wealth but a more secure method does need to be developed.

For me the platforms I personally believe in are PolyCub, PancakeSwap and CubDeFi.

NFTs have become a huge center point for activity. They have actully been around for a long time but it wasn't until the multi million dollar deal from Beeple that really caught headlines and sparked the NFT boom. With that of course came really junk projects, so called charity NFTs and various other just flat up what I would call crap NFTs that are clearly money grabs.

However there are legitimate NFT projects and Legitimate use cases. You know all those outfits you buy in popular games for $20+ well you don't own them and if they shut down your account you lose them forever or you lost your login etc. At least with NFT type assets you own them, could sell them or even maybe rent them out to other players. These play2earn or play2own games show real potential on how NFTs could be used. I would also consider artwork, ticket sales and a few other cases as real legitimate NFT projects that have real value.

One of the coolest things I laid witness to was how much value my Splinterlands NFTs held on to their value during the massive sell off that happened in crypto.

Stablecoins Now if you know me I'm not really a fan of stablecoins. I see no point in them other then trying to give governments a legitimate reason to get involved with crypto and regulate it. It also takes away from what I feel was the whole reason crypto was invented and that was to restore power back to people and not made it on any FIAT type system.

However I do realize that's most likely a pipedream because 99% of people value something in terms of how much money they can get or covert it to USD. It also brings in the real case of businesses and institutional investors to get in. However as we have seen with LUNA and UST stablecoins are simply a programmed version which attempts to do its best to hold a $1 USD peg. It doesn't mean it will or has to hold it. Constant failures however in this space of not holding pegs is a huge issue so unless someone is actully going to fully back it 1:1 or better I don't consider any of them real stablecoins.

Innovation Web3

I believe right now the biggest real chance crypto has at a moonshot again is a real case of web3. Where we have quality applications that are easy to join, use and build a community that people want to get involved with. This restoring of privacy and value back to individual people is what's going to really drive and keep adoption of crypto. These platforms will have real potential of running ads and other processes which bring value to the token just like a web2 company would. However all of that decision making and value gets injected back into the community and people using the platform in the form of holding a crypto token.

Where do you see crypto getting it's next rally from?

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It also takes away from what I feel was the whole reason crypto was invented and that was to restore power back to people and not made it on any FIAT type system.

Don't give up on this.

A decentralised, untouchable parallel system is being developed whether governments, normies or the media like it or not.

Trustless, permissionless economies are coming and will go mainstream long term because they are better for the end user.

Don't give up! ;)

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Yup Murphy´s law if one string of poo hits the crypto fan, many more will follow and the whole place will turn outsiders.
But I hope they clean up their poo and Kwon and by the time crypto moves into its next bull run the narrative will be more positive once again. So two years to clean up I would say.
Story was very well put together btw thx

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I completely agree. Web3 is the future, but it might take a while to get there. Unlike the transition from Web1 to Web2, there will be strong opposition from the current dominant players until they figure out how they can benefit from Web3. While that won't stop it from coming, the transition won't happen as fast as it did when the internet went from Web1 to Web2.

Of course, more solid projects are needed. And above all, projects focused on the community, not on favoring large investors as in the case of terra.

That's why I totally agree with you, Hive gives a real sense of value to cryptomoneas and blockchain, we just need more exposure, but everything is going slowly but surely.

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The current market situation will shake off the fakes and scams, while real project with real community backings like Hive will keep building for the next crypto rally.

We have most projects that exist in the crypto space from stables to NFT gaming, so i'm going to be biased about decentralized Social media like hive possibly going to be a big deal in the next crypto rally.

A twitter-like project like project blank can easily give us the numbers we need if utilized correctly, but what do I know, I'm just speculating.

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