Crytpo Exposure Is Wanted, Stablecoins Are Holding It Back

in LeoFinance3 years ago

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More Crypto Exposure Is Needed

If you are a big time investor with a lot of market cap behind your name then that constitutes you as an accredited investor.

While this normally gives you access to things such as IPOs and other special investment projects while leaving others out in the dirt (kind of a backwards system from the SEC but that's another story) you are actually limited to how much crypto exposure you can have.

There's a rather large demand for accredited investors wanting to get in on crypto. They do this via platforms such as ETFs which after all of these years are still in talks and in the works.

The work around at the moment is not ideal which is holding many of these investors back. Those being to buy stocks that are "crypto relate" such as the increasing amount of crypto mining companies going up here in the United States.

Stable Coins Are Holding Crypto Back

Stable coins to me have been a thorn in the side for crypto. If it was up to me personally I'd have removed them for exisistance long ago.

Stable coins provide a new way for the FEDs and regulators to have a right to now step in and start getting their greedy hands into cryptocurrency. Since they are pegged to the USD there's a huge increase in pressure from the FED to start placing regulations and launching their own digital currency which they can fully control and track.

Not only this but these stablecoins are suppose to be backed with full value of which we are 100% relying on them to be honest about (I think we all are well aware how "honest" people and companies really are in the decentralized environment)

On that note after YEARS Tether the largest stable coin and the first of it's kind has said they will finally get getting us a true audit within the next few months. Keep in mind when Tether was launched they promises a monthly audit. Of which we after all of these years we haven't seen ONE!

Growth In Crypto

With all that being said it shows an increasing desire for crypto from larger investors and when that finally happens we should see a new flood of funds inject into the system from large investors. As large investors jump in we will see increase demand and hype around the world which will make institutional investors start jumping in again and talk about accepting it at their stores etc like we had just a few months ago.

At the moment we are in the wading pools just waiting for something to pass or a new way to invest come to light that will start a flood into the next biggest rally. Last time we saw $60,000 per bitcoin. This time I believe we will see $100,000+ The reason for this is many platforms are starting to find ways to invest Bitcoin into their DeFi systems which will product some of the largest wealth transfers we have ever seen.

When I say DeFi is the future I mean it! Stocking up on as much crypto and defi tokens as you can right now I believe is critical. One place I highly recommend and use myself would be CubDeFi

*This article is for entertainment purposes only and not finical advice. Please do your own research before investing and take responsibility for your own actions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Stables are a cryptos achilleas heal.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

One of the biggest issues I see with getting rid of stablecoins is that the there exists two monetary systems and fiat itself is still the main way for people to survive in real life. The audits and things like that are obviously issues with centralized entities who are covering things up but its still one of the easiest way to transfer between the two systems.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will be very interesting to find out that tether hasn’t been keeping to their words all along, totally bad name for crypto but it’s another chance for other cryptos to step up and show their strengths, I think stable coins have a place in our economy, especially the ones that offer more than just being a stable coin, like HBD’s unique algorithm and level of decentralization

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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