Is Massive Crypto Adoption Just Around The Corner

in LeoFinance29 days ago

There's a bunch of hype at the moment for the Ethereum Spot ETF which is expected to be a 75% yes approval rate now for being approved by the SEC tomorrow. May 23rd. This approval would be a major stepping stone for crypto in general as it would legitimize more than just one token and be one of the largest that has sparked countless application builds.

With the roll out of Bitcoins ETF there became increasing pressure to get the next one released which of course was Ethereum. Now the reason why I feel like it's going to be approved at some point soon (maybe not tomorrow) Is because Black Rock currently has their own token on the Ethereum network called BUIDL which is their first of which will most likely be many tokens they launch on it for real world assets.


I believe more and more people at least here in the USA are starting to be a bit smarter or at least start to question things which is a very good thing. What this has been causing is people being a little more aware of inflation and how that all works which is causing people to want to explore outside of the FIAT system as they see how corrupt and gamed against them it has become.

This has been opening up even more this year due to the presidential elector for 2024 in which Trump is now saying he is Pro crypto even though he wasn't before. This is causing democrats to now question it if it should be on their radar as well which could cause massive crypto adoption in the USA.

A big part of this came out when it's been realized that companies are moving out of the USA into other areas because of the hostel environment that the SEC and Whitehouse has currently put on crypto.

Trump has said he doesn't want that to happen and instead would be more pro crypto. This single question is what has sparked the White house and current president Biden including the house to second guess their stance. But I'm going to be honest with you I don't really trust either to be pro crypto they can say whatever they want to be elected but nothing holds them accountable once they are in office which sucks IMO.

The last poll to come out shows us that 85 million people in the USA currently hold crypto assets and are pro crypto meaning a rather big precent of the USA voting population is pro crypto. That's a lot of votes to go against you for being aggressive towards crypto which has only BENEFITED every day people. As much as there are horror stories what they don't tell you is all the people that are now far better off because of crypto including myself.

I went over this a bit in pervious articles where I highlighted with AI taking jobs and the economy and recession still looming along with massive inflation still happening that crypto has actully opened up possibilities now for the every day person. Hive and InLeo as options to start to generate revenue through cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I was watching some of the CSPAN stuff today about the two bills that have to do with crypto. It was kind of a joke. They can't even focus enough to have a decent conversation about it.

Crypto is changing the world and many people are joining the crypto space.

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