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RE: Chaos Packs Are Coming A Worthy Investment?

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Someone did the math on this but I can't remember the exact numbers
I think it was 30 days or voucher drops so 1 million divided by 30 is a little over 33,000 a day being dropped for vouchers.
Currently there is 94.4 million staked (which will most likely increase by a lot soon) so that would be 1 per every 2,848 SPS staked I believe? My math might be totally off on that though


Then I would be out with my 248 SPS in stake LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your math is right, but by Oct 17 the staking will likely increase by quite a bit. My guess would be 3500 - 4000 staked for a full voucher a day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta