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RE: Remembering The OG Splinterland Days

in LeoFinance2 years ago

What's even more crazy is the fact that shortly after beta I was presented with the opporunity to become a heavy investor into Splinterlands from the team. It was a pretty big chunk of change with everything going on at the time I ultimately passed as the risk was just too high. I think it was something like a $20,000 investment. Which I'm sure if I would have done I'd be retired and have that plot of land right now lol. Always easy to say AFTER the fact. Still happy though and still see huge potential. There's so much to Splinterlands now in terms of passive income streams and more to come that it just feels like a smart move.


Yeah man, I think it'll be a nice passive income generator for a lot of people going forward. Hope so at least, I have a lot riding on it's success lolol