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RE: The End Of The Travel Industry?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I firmly believe the lockdowns speed a lot of things up and also gave people a seriously big reality check on priorities in their lives. A vacation is nice but it is really worth the thousands of dollars when you could do it much cheaper?

Heck I'll be honest with you I've visited some of these high profile places and thought to myself everything kind of starts looking the same and I can just google this. Take it one step further and you can now VR it and it's right as if you were there. VR is seen a massive increase in adoption because of these lockdowns and now you can experience so much more for a drastically lower cost.

I honestly feel that vacationing wont be the same and will never fully recover from it's highs. What will keep them afloat however are events once they are able to do it again. Events where mainly always their biggest money earners and some places such as Disney I feel will recover well. Your basic vacation spots I feel are doomed however.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


VR is seen a massive increase in adoption because of these lockdowns and now you can experience so much more for a drastically lower cost.

Once they get haptic technology to an advanced stage, that will take the entire experience to another level.

So yeah, the peak in travel might have been hit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta