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RE: The China Run Is Over

in LeoFinance3 years ago

China really screwed themselves honestly. They remind me of that person in business that gets a big head when they have one little success and quickly come to realize by trash talking the people that helped get them there was a HUGE mistake and they are left with nothing.

No one likes an A hole in the room and Chinas been clearly doing this by offering up threats, dishing out crap and trying to control everything. It's quickly starting to isolate them and the country seriously seems to be in trouble.

I don't see it leading to war either at least not large scale. I honestly don't think we will ever see another large scale war again it would seriously just be way to destructive to either country involved instead it will be smaller scale and digital type wars.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Lesson #2,867 on how socialism NEVER works.

yet for some reason we have to constantly repeat it because a large majority of people are clueless :(

No one likes an A hole in the room and Chinas been clearly doing this by offering up threats, dishing out crap and trying to control everything. It's quickly starting to isolate them and the country seriously seems to be in trouble.

Well you could replace "China" with "United States" over the past 40 years and state the same thing.

Tyranny is the same.

China's issues are deeper than what most people are discussing. They were made by the US and now the US is going to do a rug pull.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true as well and years ago you could put England as the worlds Ahole there's always at least one lol